
Battlefields of KwaZulu-Natal Isandlwana & Rorkes Drift – Two Day

Battlefields of KwaZulu-Natal

Rorkes drift, Isandlwana, Fugitives Drift, Fort Eshowe and King Shaka Memorial

Price on Request


Over the years there have been many battles for control over land and people. These Wars in KwaZulu-Natal took place between the British, Boers and Zulus just a few hours outside of Durban. Two of the most famous battles being the Battle of Isandlwana (between the British and the Zulu’s) the Zulu’s annihilating the British and the battle of Rorkes Drift (between the British and the Zulu’s), the British annihilating the Zulu Warriors. Both these Battles took place on the same day the 22nd January 1879. On this Battlefields tour you will be transported back in time to experience these great Battlefields of KwaZulu-Natal.

You can feel the spirits on the Battlefields and you know that something major happened on the sacred ground you stand upon! On a 2-day tour of the Battlefields of KwaZulu-Natal we visit two major battle sites which are of huge interest namely Isandlwana and Rorkes Drift.

We also visit the King Shaka memorial site, Fort Eshowe and Fugitives Drift.
This makes the tour a comprehensive tour of the Anglo-Zulu battlefields wetting your taste buds for your next trip to Zululand!




   Learning about the great battles from a passionate guide with in-depth knowledge of the Battlefields, who is able to recreate the great battle.

   Walking among the graves of the men that sacrificed their lives for their country.

✓   Visiting a Battlefield Museum at Rorkes Drift.


Day 1: Anglo Zulu Battlefields tour

8:30 AM: Transportation

We collect clients from their accommodation at 8:30am depending on where the accommodation is. We head towards our first stop, the Shaka Memorial in KwaDukuza (Stanger). This is a 45min drive from Durban. Along the way your guide will chat to you about the history of Durban, South Africa, the Boers, the English and of course the Zulu people.

9:15 AM: Arrive at Shaka Memorial in KwaDukuza

On arrival at the Shaka Memorial we’ll learn a little about the Zulu king and how he has impacted both Zulu and European peoples in South Africa. We will spend about 45 min here.

11:00 AM: Arrive at Fort Eshowe

After finishing up at KwaDukuza we’ll make our way to the Eshowe Fort in Eshowe, the oldest European town in Zululand. This was an important feature of the Anglo Zulu war where the British were besieged by the Zulu army for a period of 2 months. We’ll spend about 60 min at this site.

12:00 PM: Depart Fort Eshowe

12:15 PM: Packed Lunch

1:00 PM: Depart for Isandlwana

After visiting the Eshowe museum will have a packed lunch as we travel direct to Isandlwana battlefield where the British were to suffer their worst defeat at the hands of an indigenous people. We will also have an opportunity to enjoy the small museum nearby. Your guide will lead you through the events that happened here on the 22nd January 1879. Generally we spend about 90 min here.

3:00 PM: Arrive at Isandlwana

4:30 PM: Depart for overnight accommodation

From Isandlwana it’s 20 minutes to our accommodation in the area

4:50 PM: Check-in.

Day 2: Anglo-Zulu Battlefield tour

9:00 AM: Depart accommodation for Fugitives Drift

After a hearty breakfast we’ll check out (at 9am) and travel to Fugitives Drift some 30 minutes away where your guide will relate the harrowing and heroic ride that two of the famed participants of the Isandlwana Battle had; Lieutenant’s Melville and Coghill. It’s here that the gallant dash to save the Queens Regimental Colors was lost and Melville and Coghill lost their lives.. Here’s we’ll spend about 30min at the site exploring the events that happened on the day.

9:30 AM: Fugitives Drift

10:00 AM: Depart for Rorke’s Drift

After Fugitives Drift we’ll leave for Rorkes Drift where you’ll have a fantastic opportunity to visit the battlefield site that hasn’t changed much in the last 200 years. We’ll have an opportunity to explore the actual building where the fighting took place, as well as go through the events of the day aided by the visual clues at the site.

10:30 AM: Arrive Rorke’s Drift

12:00 PM: Lunch at Rorke’s Drift

12:30 PM: Depart for Durban

After this tour we’ll have a light lunch at the site and then return to Durban, arriving at approximately 3:30pm.

3:30 PM: Arrive in Durban


The Battle of Isandlwana

The name Isandlwana comes from the Zulu word “Isandla” which means hand and refers to the shape of the “koppie” or Hill which the Battle was fought upon.

At Isandlwana approximately 22 000 Zulu Impis(warriors) killed 1350 British Soldiers who were supposedly unarmed as their firearms and ammunition had not yet arrived from Rorkes drift due to the Zulus cutting it off! This particular Battle is world renowned as the worst defeat the British army had ever suffered at the hands of a native force.

There is now a monument commemorating the battle of Isandlwana as you enter the battlefield.

The Battle of Rorkes Drift

The battle of Rorkes Drift took place 30 km away from Isandlwana. It is this battle that the British are famous for as they won this battle with just approximately 150 soldiers against 3000 – 4000 Zulu Impis (warriors). This battle became so well-known due to the fact that the British Queen handed out 11 Victorian crosses, the most at any battle fought against a Native army.

Next to this little Mission Station was a Small hospital and the British Soldiers used Biscuit boxes to create a barrier between the two. It was this idea, and the weapons, which won them this battle.


    • Group Rates are available on request.


    •  Accommodation – Chalet with En-Suite
    • Dinners and Breakfast
    • Entrance Fees
    • Listed Activities
    • Transport – Pick-up and Drop-off
    • Guide
    • Bottled Water (We only supply a limited number of bottles per day, should you require additional, this will be for your own account)


    • Items of Personal Nature
    • Lunch (Restaurant Available)
    • Beverages: Beer; Wine; Cold Drinks
    • Gratuities
    • Any other items not listed in the Inclusion
    • Please note that all group activities are not private and you will be expected to share this experience with other paying guests not touring with Tim Brown Tours.