After collecting my clients from the Royal hotel in Durban we began our Durban Day Big 5 Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve Africa’s Oldest!
As usual I spoke of the rich history of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa and Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve itself which is an amazing place. The “operations” in the 1960’s just to bring White Rhinos back from extinction speak loud words on what Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve has done for conservation since 1895 when its was established!
Taking a Big 5 Safari Tour should never be a excuse to assume that you will see everything you wish to see and today really proved that. After expecting the rain to stop so that we could have a chance at seeing animals come out to remark there territory, it just kept raining. So our sighting we very hard to come about and not the clearest.
Having said the above we did see 2 Of the Big 5 and other animals : Rhino, Buffalo, Giraffe, Impala, Nyala, Warthog, a Giant legless skink, Wildebeest, Waterbuck and lots of Elephant dung but no Elephant… We even got tracks of Hyena and Wild dogs but we were to late. They say life is all about timing and I agree…
A Safari Tour from Durban in the Rain at Hluhluwe Umfolozi:

Giraffe in the Rain at Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve on our Durban Safari Tour 5th March 2014
The pictures above show some of the Giraffe we managed to find on the Safari Tour from Durban. The Bottom image of a male Giraffe shows a wound on his head and the red billed oxpecker cleaning it up. Very often they do more damage by opening the wound and preventing it from healing but this chap didn’t mind at all. Just one of the little surprises Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve spits out at you every so often.

Rhino and Wildebeest at Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve on our Durban Day Safari Tour 5th March 2014
These Rhinos on of the Big 5 were seen laying in the mud about 60 meters from the road and the Wildebeest 5 meters from the road with some vervet monkeys. Sadly we didn’t get a closer sighting of the Rhinos than this but that is nature for you, you are never guaranteed anything. Considering it was raining I think we did alright on the Safari Tour from Durban city.

Male Nyala and a female Waterbuck in Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve on our Durban Day Safari Tour
Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve Safari Tours always show interesting things. This Day Safari Tour we got to see this male Nyala clash horns with another male over the right to mate with females. It was very exciting as it was 15 meters off the road an the clash of horns could be heard almost like gun shots. They continued to wonder around each other with hair stood up on neck and back (philo-erection) as its known. Very cool sighting in the rain at Hluhluwe Umfolozi.
This female water buck which is dependent on water was looking down at the river in flood and probably was really happy she didnt have to walk far for water…
Oh the wonders of the African Bush (Tours) never a dull moment even when its raining.
So after departing from Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve we headed back to Durban City in the comfort of the vehicle after an interesting but wet Durban Day Safari Tour.
Maybe you should join Tim Brown Tours on a Durban Day or overnight Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve.
Tim Brown Tours cover the following areas Big 5 Safaris Durban, Bush Safaris, Durban Bush Tours, Durban Day Safari Tours, Durban Safaris, Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve, Hluhluwe Umfolozi Safari Tours, Hluhluwe Umfolozi Tours.