We began our Durban Day Safari Tour in Durban city Ethekwini as its known the Zulu word for (By the bay/sea). After meeting my clients at the Blue waters hotel we traveled up to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve for our Durban day safari tour.
The Drive up I covered the History of South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal and Durban as well as the different population groups and how they came to be here in the are of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal and Hluhluwe Umfolozi. One of the other major things I cover is the Flora and agricultural crops like Sugar Cane and Eucalyptus Siligna trees we come across on route to the game reserve of Hluhluwe Umfolozi.
Today was to be a good day for us all! after Wednesdays Safari Tour in the rain it was 36 degrees at its hottest and a beautiful day for a Bush safari Tour.
We were lucky with our sighting and managed 3 of the Big 5 and Elephants on three different occasions.
We began with two male Buffalos wallowing in the mud South west of centenary center turn off.
Buffalo Bull on our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014
These old Males like there own space from the breeding herds of Buffalo as they just cant keep up with the speed they move at when looking for food and water. – Great Safari Experience to see the guys meters from the road.
White Rhino Mother and Calf of our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014

White Rhino Mother and Calf of our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014
Next on the Agenda was the most beautiful sighting of the White Rhino and her 18 month old calf. The were resting in the shade under a tree due to the heat of the African Sun on our Safari Tour from Durban.
Male Giraffe on our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014
Further down the road we came across 3 male Giraffe some Zebra, Warthog and Vervet monkeys. Our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe umfolozi game reserve was really heating up.
Warthog and Wildebeest on our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014
This Male Warthog in the Umfolozi section of the game reserve was relaxing in the water/mud and hardly moved an inch in the time we watched him. We also came across this some Wildebeest close to where the Zebras were, this was turning out to be a great Safari Tour from Durban.
Dazzle of Zebra on our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014
I really like this photo of this Dazzle of Zebra I took they all were resting there heads on each other and the little stomp of the foot to get the fly’s off was really sweet! If you are reading this post I would contact me and book you Durban Safari Day or overnight Tour as soon as possible.
Elephant Bull on our Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve 7 March 2014
After waiting for the whole day to get a real close up of an Elephant we got it late in the afternoon before we left Hluhluwe umfolozi game reserve for Durban City.
It was a small breeding herd with two little babies and about 5 Adults. They were only 8 meters from the main road and if some idiot hadn’t reved them they would have crossed right in front of us.
This was an amazing Durban Day Safari Tour and Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve keeps living up to it great reputation as being KwaZulu-Natals best kept secret. Well the word is out and If you want to experience the same as we did contact Tim Brown Tours to book you Safari Tour experience from Durban. Collection is at your hotel of choice so don’t miss the chance.
Tim Brown Tours – Opening gates to the Safari World of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Join us for : Big 5 Safaris Durban, Bush Safaris, Durban Bush Tours, Durban Day Safari Tours, Durban Safaris, Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve, Hluhluwe Umfolozi Safari Tours, Hluhluwe Umfolozi Tours!