
Durban Day Safari Tours – Tim Brown Tours

Durban Day Safari Tours – Tim Brown Tours

I have put this post together just to show clients that there really is so much that they can do in Durban on the Day Safari and Tour front. In fact there even more that can be covered on overnight or multiple day Safari Tours from Durban.

You all will know if you look at my website that I offer Durban Day Safari Tours to the “Bush”, “Berg” and “Battlefields” of KwaZulu Natal but what are these you ask? I have put together a description of what the Big 3 are, one of them includes the Big 5 as well.

Durban Bush Day Safari Tours or overnight Safari Tours :

This encompasses Tour and Safaris to the Nature or game reserves as we call them. So focusing on the National parks of South Africa mostly in KwaZulu Natal. Within these national parks we find the Big 5 which are the Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Elephant and Rhino.

The Big 5 of Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game reserve on Durban Safari Tours

The Big 5 of Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game reserve on Durban Safari Tours

Above is the picture of these mighty animals which used to roam totally free in Africa and this beautiful country of ours South Africa! We are however fortunate to still be able to go on a Durban Safari Tour in just a day and usually see at least 3 of the Big 5. There of course is no guarantee as it is a large national park – Hluhluwe Umfolozi of about 960 Square Km or 96 000 Hectares.

Really this in itself is worth the visit especially after our Rhinos are being killed at an alarming rate by poachers supplying mostly the Chinese with the horn for there traditional medicines to cure cancer!… Last year alone 2014 there was a massive 1004 Rhinos discovered killed for there horn in South Africa. The Rhinos are being killed at an alarming rate and by 2050 there probably wont be any left in Africa.

Even more reason to take a Durban Day Safari Tour with Tim  Brown Tours and get into the “Bush” to experience the amazing animals before they are wiped off the face of the earth!

Durban Drakensberg Day Safari Tours:

The Drakensberg is the most beautiful mountain range I have ever seen, they cover a vast area from the south western parts of KwaZulu Natal to the North Eastern parts and beyond into the Limpopo province. They are a sight to behold and picture just don’t do the place justice!

Drakensberg Cathedral peak Day Safari Tour

Drakensberg Cathedral peak Day Safari Tour


Drakensberg royal Natal national park Day Safari Tour

Drakensberg royal Natal national park Day Safari Tour

These two section of the Drakensberg are but a couple of the amazing wonder of the mountains. We also run Durban Day Safari Tours over Sani Pass into Lesotho which is a land locked country in South Africa. It is a Kingdom and the Drakensberg is the natural boundary separating the two countries.

The first picture is of Cathedral peak which is an amazing 3004 meters above sea level it is a mean feat to reach the top on foot even I have not yet made the summit as at the end it is scrabbling and rock climbing to reach the very peak which is very hard after 5 hours of hiking up up and up only!

The second image is another great place that we take Durban Safari Tours however its mostly done over a few days as apposed to a Durban Day Safari Tour. Having said that we can do it if you request it.

In these great mountain the spirits of the bushman live and the painting Eco in the caves.

Durban – Bushman Painting in the Drakensberg Mountains

Bushman Paintings at Giants Castle Day Safari Tours

Bushman Paintings at Giants Castle Day Safari Tours

The Eland the largest antelope in Africa was there divine animal which linked them to the ancestors. The painting on the right you will see the Eland lying upside down this is because the Bushman had killed one for food. The great detail that went into the painting of the Eland shows how much respect the Bushman aka the San people had for the animal. They only hunted for food and used every part of the animal: Skins for clothes, Fat for paint, Small bones for hooks to catch fish. They were truly the Original South Africans and the rest of us including the Zulu have migrated here!

So if the Bush and the Drakensberg with there Bushman Paintings were not enough to visit this area of KwaZulu Natal and take a Durban Day Safari Tour with Tim Brown Tours then there is more…

The Battlefields of KwaZulu Natal:

The Battlefields are an amazing experience if you are into the intense history of South Africa and the savage battles that led to Thousands of deaths over the years. There have been Anglo-Zulu battles, Anglo-Boer and Boer-Zulu battles. Many of these battle sites can be visited in a Durban Day Safari Tour or better so on an overnight Safari Tour.

Battlefield picture of Elandslaagte

Battlefield picture of Elandslaagte

Graves from the battle of Spionkop

Graves from the battle of Spionkop

The above battles are just two of hundreds that took place for power of land. This cost many lives as all battles do but the sites are such peaceful and tranquil places to visit. Many a time a tear will fall from the eye as the magnitude of the scene wrenches at your heart. Durban Safari Tours to these areas are a must if you are interested in the rich history we have to offer. Nothing makes this more amazing than having a Specialist Battlefield guide with you who can extract the battle out of the soil and reconstruct if for you on the day you visit for your Day Safari Tour from Durban.

Having said all of the above there is still so much more for you to visit from Durban:

Zulu Cultural villages  

Zulu Culture is rich and locked in deeply with the British it is amazing to read of how the great King Shaka lead his people to destroying the British soldiers at the battle of Isandlwana on 22 January 1879.

Traditional Zulu Dancing in the Valley of 1000 Hills Phezulu

Traditional Zulu Dancing in the Valley of 1000 Hills Phezulu

I find the Culture of the Zulu incredibly interesting and on some of our Durban Day Safari Tours we take client to visit these amazing Zulu Cultural villages. This villages can be incorporated into a Day Safari tour or a half Day Durban Safari Tour. Again we can arrange these Tours from Durban in overnight packages for you.

They valley of 1000 Hills which is the backdrop to the above image is also an amazing place and is visited a lot on Durban Safari Tours. It is a mere 45 Minutes outside of Durban city.

Zulu woman at Shakaland demonstrate how to carry pots on their heads

Zulu woman at Shakaland demonstrate how to carry pots on their heads

On the Shakaland Durban Safari Day Tour you will witness the above scene where young girls demonstrate how they go about learning how to balance pots of water/Beer/milk on their head. Shakaland was actually the place where the movie Shaka Zulu was filmed in the 1980’s. The village has continued to function as authentic as possible.

Would you not want to visit Durban, KwaZulu Natal after seeing these amazing offerings? Durban Day Safari Tours are really worth undertaking and Tim Brown Tours will ensure you are well looked after.

Reviews can be found on TripAdvisor : Tim Brown Tours – Day Tours (TripAdvisor)

If this is not enough there is more! A Cat rehabilitation center outside of Hluhluwe umfolozi game reserve.

Cat Rehabilitation Center 

Me at Emdoneni Cat rehab center

Me at Emdoneni Cat rehab center

This Durban Day Safari tour can be take as a day tour linked with St Lucia or taken as a overnight package where on route to Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve we stop off at this Cat rehabilitation center to interact with this beautiful creatures.

This Safari Tour included interaction with 2 male cheetahs, Serval, Caracal and African Wild Cats. All four of these great cats are highly endangered so it is a joy to have this kind of opportunity to interact in this manner.

Durban Day Safari tours really have a lot to offer the client and headed by our company Tim Brown Tours you are guaranteed to experience something different to what you have anywhere else in the World!

Tim Brown Tours run with a 2013 Ford Tourneo 8 Seated vehicle which is very comfortable and luxurious at the game reserve this is an option of the extra open vehicle game drive which is worth the experience. This can also be arranged on a Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game reserve.

Open vehicle game drive in Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game reserve

Open vehicle game drive in Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game reserve

Above is the idea of the open vehicle game drive experience in Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve on Tim Brown Tours – Day Safari Tours from Durban.

If you are still not sure please feel free to take a look at reviews on TripAdvisor or the Tim Brown Tours website.

The World is waiting for you to experience it and Tim Brown Tours is here to make those Durban Day Safari Tours that much more amazing. Book with us now!




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Lions Eyes

In the African bush indeed are the seen ~ and often unseen animal interactions.  One of the animal interactions we don’t see often is Rhino fighting each other for dominance. Either for the right to hold territory and/or to mate with females.

Watch : Two Big Males Fighting Hard to Hold Territory

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Tim Brown Tours

Lions Eyes


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Tim Brown Tours - with numerous awards and a long history of great reviews on TripAdvisor, can help you. So look at our alternatives to visiting the Kruger National Park. And join us for your South African Safari experience! We look forward to hosting you in the near future! Book Now and get an experience of a lifetime.

You can also find us at  Tourist Guides and Trip Advisor

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Interested in Nature and Travel in South Africa? Then head on over to our Tours and book your very own Safari today - You know you want to!