
Lilizela Awards : Tim Brown Tours Wins : And We Remember

Lilizela Awards : Tim Brown voted the best nature Tour guide in South Africa at the Lilizela national Tourism Awards 2018

What a highlight to Win Best Nature Tour Guide in South Africa at the National Lilizela Tourism Awards! Especially after a very “Up and Down” year!

What is the Lilizela Award? And Why is it Important?

South African Lilizela Tourism awards – “The Awards recognise and reward tourism players and businesses who work passionately and with pride. Those who deliver a world-class product and service and whose delivery grows South Africa’s global destination competitiveness.”

With all Things – There is a Beginning and a Path…

My beginning started out with a nomination for the Best Tour Guide in KwaZulu-Natal.

  • Under the categories:-
    • Nature …. and
    • Culture

Once nominated, there is quite a bit of work to do! Being my passionate self – I got stuck in! (I’m a firm believer that when you do something, you do it properly).  I compiled a portfolio of evidence to validate my nomination.

This included

  • Annual Guest Reviews
  • Industry Player References
  • Guest References

AND THEN ………….

  • An interview at the Durban Tourism Office.
    • You are interviewed by a panel of judges on various aspects #daunting #exciting #lilizelaawards #bebrave

….And as with anyone working in tourism, you have to be able to hold and captivate an audience.

Then the Wait …. for Invitations to the Lilizela provincial Awards

And so it begins …….

This year’s awards were held in the Sani Pass (Drakensberg) area. It is a night where you go head to head with the best in the industry. This is on a provincial level! (Operating mainly in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

It was with GREAT HONOUR – that I accepted the award for

  • “Best Nature guide in KwaZulu-Natal” and runner up for
  • “Best Culture guide in KwaZulu-Natal”

Tim Brown Tours : 14 Years Experience

I have 14 years experience in the industry which began…

As a Nature guide for some of South Africa’s top lodges

  • Sabi Sabi,
  • Singita … to name just two.

I moved on to start my own Tour operator company namely, Tim Brown Tours.

From Just Nature/Field Guiding to Tour Guiding

We changed to full Tour Guiding and this brought new challenges. I studied and qualified as a Tour Guide. Most don’t realise that there is a difference between the two. As your training focussed a lot more on History and Culture and not only Nature on a Site level but rather a provincial/National level.

I chose to become a Durban Based Provincial Safari specialist for KwaZulu-Natal focusing on :-

  • Nature,
  • History &
  • Culture

Tour guiding is a big and competitive industry here in South Africa. So I felt it was important to FOCUS and Specialise on one area. This enables me to provide an IN-DEPTH knowledge of the area of operation thus creating a more valuable & rewarding experience for guests.

It is Exhilarating & Gratifying to be Recognised on a National Level: Thank you Lilizela and South Africa!

Yes on both a personal and company level this was indeed a Highlight of 2018. Yes, you read right! After taking home the Provincial Award – I went on to receive the National Level a few months after! Best Tour guide in South Africa! It was such an achievement and one that I am really proud of.

Not a Pat on the Back – but a Push Forwards : Thank you Lilizela

Winning an award of this nature comes with huge responsibility. It is not just a pat on the back but rather a push forwards. To keep improving and uplifting tourism in South Africa.

Radio interview Ubuntu radio : Best Nature Tour Guide Winner at Lilizela Awards

South African Nature Culture & History 

South Africa is an amazing country with so much to offer on the Three Pillars of Tourism

  • Nature, Culture & History.

I hope that all the winners and finalists continue to work hard. And aid the growth of our industry.

We are voted as winners to not only represent Durban, KwaZulu-Natal but also South Africa. We need to do this well to show the world who we are and what we are all about.

Proudly Standing Tall for South Africa our Beautiful Rainbow Country

Let us stand tall as South Africa’s representatives and show off our beautiful country to the world!

Tim Brown Lilizela 2018 national best Nature Tour guide Award winner

For more information visit our home page. www.timbrowntours.com

Drop us an email or have a look through our website and see if there is a Durban Safari that suits your needs. If not we can always customise a tour for you encompassing your interests.


[email protected]

Tim Brown Tours – with numerous awards and a long history of great reviews on TripAdvisor, can help you. So look at our alternatives to visiting the Kruger National Park. And join us for your South African Safari experience! We look forward to hosting you in the near future! Book Now and get an experience of a lifetime.

You can also find us at  Tourist Guides and Trip Advisor

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The White Rhino | Virtual Safaris

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Virtual Safaris Elephants

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Covid-19 Virtual Safaris-Leopard Facts

Covid-19 Virtual Safaris – Leopard Facts, a Bush story and videos of Leopard courtship and Mating. A virtual Leopard feast!
Tourism globally has been devastated due to Corona virus and we at Tim Brown Tours have turned to “Virtual Safaris” to keep the interest up.

Covid-19 and Virtual Safaris with Tim Brown Tours

Tim Brown Tours introduces virtual safaris during Covid-19.

Tourism in Durban, South Africa during the Corona/Covid-19 pandemic 

Tourism has always been the ever-growing side to our economy. But since the Corona/Covid-19 pandemic hit our shores in South Africa, it has been totally obliterated.

Returning to our roots to learn how to live a healthy life

Returning to our roots to learn how to live a healthy life. There is always some new diet out there or new “health” product which is better than our hard to avoid processed options we most commonly eat.

Lions Eyes

In the African bush indeed are the seen ~ and often unseen animal interactions.  One of the animal interactions we don’t see often is Rhino fighting each other for dominance. Either for the right to hold territory and/or to mate with females.

Watch : Two Big Males Fighting Hard to Hold Territory

Rhino Fighting

In the African bush indeed are the seen ~ and often unseen animal interactions.  One of the animal interactions we don’t see often is Rhino fighting each other for dominance. Either for the right to hold territory and/or to mate with females.

Watch : Two Big Males Fighting Hard to Hold Territory

Visit Us

Tim Brown Tours

Lions Eyes


[email protected]

Tim Brown Tours - with numerous awards and a long history of great reviews on TripAdvisor, can help you. So look at our alternatives to visiting the Kruger National Park. And join us for your South African Safari experience! We look forward to hosting you in the near future! Book Now and get an experience of a lifetime.

You can also find us at  Tourist Guides and Trip Advisor

Tim Brown Tours and Safari's : Follow Us

You can follow us on the below links or visit our Website www.timbrowntours.com





Interested in Nature and Travel in South Africa? Then head on over to our Tours and book your very own Safari today - You know you want to!