
Sani Pass Drakensberg Day Tour from Durban

Sani Pass Drakensberg Day Tour from Durban– 21st November 2014



After collecting my clients from there respective hotels we began with the interesting drive to Underberg and Himeville where we meet our 4×4 vehicles and head up the Sani Pass into Lesotho


This whole are is known as the Drakensberg and is South Africa’s second world heritage site.


The Drakensberg mountain are best visited with a guide who knows the area and can expand on the history of the area and the original South Africans, the San – Bushmen.


Once we got into the 4×4 vehicle we headed up the pass stopping every so often to see the beauty of this over 3000 meter mountain.


Sani Pass artistic picture on our Durban Day Tour into the Drakensberg

Sani Pass artistic picture on our Durban Day Tour into the Drakensberg

Sani Pass artistic picture on our Durban Day Tour into the Drakensberg




















The next photo I chose was a picture of the group with the mighty Drakensberg as our back drop. This area is steeped in history and great beauty.


The group I took up Sani Pass into Lesotho during our Drakensberg Day Tour

The group I took up Sani Pass into Lesotho during our Drakensberg Day Tour

The group I took up Sani Pass into Lesotho during our Drakensberg Day Tour




















We finally reached the top of the pass and passed through the two boarder posts and “No mans land” to get to the summit. Here we are 2874 meters above sea level and the country changes to Lesotho.

Lesotho is the highest country on average in the world as it is land locked within South Africa.


It was here that we visited a SeSotho village. We met with one of the local ladies who showed us into her hut and we got to learn more of this great Sotho culture. She even had the bread ready for us to taste, real Basotho bread. It was amazing!


Basotho hut seen in Lesotho on our Durban Day Tour to the Drakensberg up Sani Pass

Basotho hut seen in Lesotho on our Durban Day Tour to the Drakensberg up Sani Pass

Basotho hut seen in Lesotho on our Durban Day Tour to the Drakensberg up Sani Pass





















Outside the hut was some chickens and the ladies husband was weaving some Sotho hats together. We also got some entertainment from the local sheep herders.


Sesotho Boys play home made musical instruments on our Durban Day Tour to the Drakensberg

Sesotho Boys play home made musical instruments on our Durban Day Tour to the Drakensberg

Sesotho Boys play home made musical instruments on our Durban Day Tour to the Drakensberg





















We then moved on to the sheep shearing sheds and then to the highest pub in Africa. At 2874 meters above sea level it is a real gem and the food is great.


I had a lovely Burger before we continued back down the Sani Pass.


As we were at the top I took one last photo of the view.


View from the top of Sani Pass in the Drakensberg during our Durban Day Tour

View from the top of Sani Pass in the Drakensberg during our Durban Day Tour

View from the top of Sani Pass in the Drakensberg during our Durban Day Tour




















We continued down and the man which carries the wood every day from the bottom of pass to the top was on his way back up to see if he could sell the wood for money.


We always pay him for his photo out of respect before taking his picture.


Sesotho man carries wood up the Sani Pass on our Durban Day Tour

Sesotho man carries wood up the Sani Pass on our Durban Day Tour

Sesotho man carries wood up the Sani Pass on our Durban Day Tour




















On the way down after this amazing Sani Pass Drakensberg Tour from Durban we stopped and took a picture of some lovely rock structures.


The Drakensberg mountains are really and amazing place to visit and rank as some of the most spectacular in the world. Join me for a Durban Day Tour in the mountains of KwaZulu-Natal.



 Drakensberg Rock art see on our Durban Drakensberg Day Tour

Drakensberg Rock art see on our Durban Drakensberg Day Tour

Drakensberg Rock art see on our Durban Drakensberg Day Tour




















Our final stop was the bottom of the pass in Underberg and we then changed vehicles and headed the 3 hours back to Durban City.

This had been as great Durban Day Tour.

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