
Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal – Hluhluwe Imfolozi overnight safari tour

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal – Hluhluwe Imfolozi overnight safari tour


After collecting my clients from Durban for their Durban overnight safari in KwaZulu Natal to Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve, we headed up to the Cat rehabilitation center outside of hluhluwe were we would begin our first day of safari from Durban.

It was here that we interacted with 4 endangered species of cat, Serval, Caracal, African Wild cat and Cheetah! The Cheetah was the big attraction and the Cheetah cub, Rain was very playful this wonderful day.

Our day had only just begun but we were expecting a good one. The weather was cool and the clouds were casting a shadow on the African soil but no rain drop would ever dampen the spirits of our Safari from Durban.




Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Cheetah

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Cheetah

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Cheetah
















After this amazing experience we heading into the world famous and African oldest proclaimed game reserve, Hluhluwe Imfolozi. It was here we would be spending 3 great days and today would be the first of them.


Our first sighting was of Warthog and lots of them which was a little unusual but still great. As we continue our Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal we found 2 White Rhino males having a little fight over a girl. Men will be men and we always will fight for the ladies! It was actually very cool as the Rhino went at it I got a couple of photos and made a video to prove we were there!



Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Rhino fight

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Rhino fight

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Rhino fight


















Video of Rhinos fighting in Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve.








As we left the Rhino to fight the good fight we headed of to Hilltop camp in Hluhluwe for some lunch and to check into the lovely lodge. It was here that we decided the plans for the rest of the day and I am really glad the clients chose to go back out at 15:30 with me. It was an amazing time. I actually remember after 30 minutes into our drive from the lodge saying “well you may have to pray to see some animals” and pray I think my clients did as we had some amazing sightings that even I will never forget!


Due to national geographic and other documentary companies most of my clients believe that animals do not go up on hills ie: Giraffe do not climb hills etc. Not the case at all.


We spotted the most amazing sighting of Elephant and then Wild Dogs chasing Giraffe and a Zebra! yes you heard correct! It was amazing and I was so happy about it you have no idea. What a way to begin day one of our 3 day in Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve.



Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wild dogs chasing Giraffe

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wild dogs chasing Giraffe

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wild dogs chasing Giraffe

















Video of Wild Dogs chasing Giraffe in Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve.







This was an amazing sight and everything scattered from the Baboons that took to the trees and the Baby Giraffe who’s mother came to support it. Non were hurt but that didn’t mean it wasn’t exciting for us all. Wow I still have no words to describe the feeling of natures force!





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wild dogs

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wild dogs

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wild dogs
















The sighting of the African Wild dogs was amazing but we had to continue to find the Elephant which we just around the corner. We watched them disappear over the ridge before having another crazy sighting of Black Rhino which is also hugely endangered! We had now seen Africa’s most endangered carnivore and the Black Rhino which their are only 200 in the whole 960 square kilometers of national park!

Wow is all I can say about our Durban overnight safari in KwaZulu Natal.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Black Rhino mother and calf

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Black Rhino mother and calf

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Black Rhino mother and calf






















Video of Black Rhino mother and calf.








It was now time to end this amazing Durban safari tour with a stop at the lodge for dinner and then bed. It was a great meal that we all enjoyed and after a while we were all feeling tired and went off to bed.




Day 2: Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal – Hluhluwe Imfolozi overnight safari tour




We began day 2 with some breakfast and then we headed out on full day safari to see what we could find. It didn’t take long and we were in luck again as we spotted Baboon close to the camp on the road.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Baboon

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Baboon

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Baboon

















We moved on heading south to try get to the areas where the grass is a little shorter and where we could hopefully find cats. Before we could get all that way down there we spotted two Elephant bulls near the road and the one decided to break a big branch off a tree. It was amazing to watch and film.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Tree meets Elephant

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Tree meets Elephant

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Tree meets Elephant

















Video of Elephant breaking branch on our Durban safari tour.








We then continued further south on our Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve safari and didn’t see much for a while which was still fine as we had such lovely views over the game reserve.

A bit later after crossing the umfolozi river we found a big male Rhino not far from us so we enjoyed watching him feed for a bit before continuing on. Durban safaris in KwaZulu  Natal can be amazing and special you just have to be patient and know the best areas to look for animals. Always go with I guide or you will miss so much.






Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Rhino

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Rhino

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Rhino















We then saw a lot of general game including Giraffe, Zebra, Warthog and even some Buffalo bulls before we had a really special sighting of a mother Cheetah and her two cubs. It was really amazing and they were so relaxed and play full as well as moved around a lot! This was awesome to see on a Safari in KwaZulu Natal.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Cheetah mother and cubs

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Cheetah mother and cubs

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Cheetah mother and cubs






















Video of Cheetah on our KwaZulu Natal safari tour.







We had such a great sighting we were now feeling a lot more content and we moved on to see what else we could find. We started with some Giraffe and Rhinos.




Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal Giraffe

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal Giraffe

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal Giraffe

















We also spotted some herds of Wildebeest near to the road before the Cheetah which I forgot to mention! They too were great and seemed to be just relaxing in the open areas.






Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wildebeest

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wildebeest

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Wildebeest


















We had a great sighting just after the Giraffe of a crash of Rhino it was here that we filmed some Rhino behaviour where the young male Rhino was rubbing himself on a tree stump after having been in a mud wallow to remove parasites off the body and also to have a general scratch.






Video of Rhino rubbing himself on our Durban overnight safari tour.







After this we moved on to find that a pride of Lion had just nailed a Warthog and they were just out of sight all we could see was a flashing tail every so often. At one moment we got one Lioness stand up but no photos were takes. That aside the sounds were spectacular and it was on our Durban safari tour.


We heading on to the Centenary center for some lunch and then we made our way back to Hilltop camp for some rest. Two of my clients went on the evening game drive and got to see a herd of Elephant, which must have been great.

It was time for some rest after dinner.





Day 3: Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal – Hluhluwe Imfolozi overnight safari tour




After collecting my clients luggage we had some breakfast and then headed back out for a final 3 hours of safari and we were very lucky we found Lions!





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Lions

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Lions

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Lions























This was such an enjoyable sighting as we recapped on most of the other animals but we needed to see Lions so it was great. We also returned twice to see them and each time one moved around on the last look we saw the final Lioness walk away. What a lovely sighting to see in Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve on our Durban safari tour of KwaZulu Natal.


Later we found and old male Buffalo which was just walking towards the Lions as if he was happy to die.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Buffalo

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Buffalo

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Buffalo

















Next was St Lucia Isimangeliso Wetland Park, it was here that we would be taking a 2 hour boat cruise enjoying Hippos and Crocodiles.

We first had some lunch which was lovely and then we boarded the boat. Within minutes we had the craziest thing happen as a male Water Buck small in front of our boat from the Eastern Shores to the Western Shores. There was a lot of Crocodiles around and we were thinking he may get taken by one of the bigger Crocodiles which wasn’t to far away.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Waterbuck swims across St Lucia estuary with Crocodiles near by

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Waterbuck swims across St Lucia estuary with Crocodiles near by

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Waterbuck swims across St Lucia estuary with Crocodiles near by























Video or Water Buck at St Lucia Isimangeliso Wetland park swimming across the Estuary!







Next we came across lots and lots of pods of Hippos and one herd was on the land near the shoreline. It was very exciting and we all enjoyed the great Bird life as well as the Mangrove swamps, Hippos and Crocodiles.





Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Hippos outside the estuary

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Hippos outside the estuary

Durban safari in KwaZulu Natal; Hippos outside the estuary
















It was now time to head back to Durban and return the clients to their respective hotels before heading off home myself to wash the car and get ready for the next days 3 day Durban safari tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve.

We had lots of great memories to take home with us, our whole animal sighting experience had been amazing!



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Lions Eyes


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