
Durban Day Safari Tour to Big 5 Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve 5 July 2014

We began our Durban Day Safari in Durban City where I collected my group of 8 clients who were in Durban for a TB conference and research. Our destination on this Durban Day Tour would be Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve. Hluhluwe Imfolozi is the oldest game reserve in Africa and home to the Big 5 – Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Elephant and Buffalo. It was previously known as Hluhluwe Umfolozi game reserve but recent changes have meant the name change to Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve, I still use the old name mostly.

My group were a great bunch, some had been to Safari parks before like Kruger National Park and even Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve but this did not effect there experience with Tim Brown Tours.

I consider it a great privilege to show off my country and what I am fortunate enough to have learned with overseas clients who just really wish to have a holistic experience and a great Durban Day Safari Tour in the African Bush.

We started well with a Giraffe near the entrance to the Umfolozi reserve and once we had paid our way through the gate we continued down South in the Umfolozi section of the game reserve in the hope of cats.

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Giraffe 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Giraffe 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Giraffe 5 July 2014

We checked all the usual hot spots and no luck except an old carcass of a Buffalo!

As we continued on we spotted Impala, Zebra and Nyala before reaching the Umfolozi River crossing.

At the Umfolozi Bridge we did see Elephants but the best pictures came later so I did not post them.

Further on down the road we came across a White Rhino Resting in the shade on our Durban Day Safari.

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, White Rhino 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, White Rhino 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, White Rhino 5 July 2014

Leaving this Big fella to recover after what must have been a long night we made our way down to another section in the umfolozi river where we spotted some Vultures on the sand banks Sun bathing and resting.

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Umfolozi River 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Umfolozi River 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Umfolozi River 5 July 2014

We actually had also spotted a herd Buffalo near to the road on our way down to the river. Our Durban Day Safari was really hotting up and Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve was offering the best of the best sightings!

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Buffalo 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Buffalo 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Buffalo 5 July 2014

We eventually arrived at Bhejane Hide a place where I love to visit as there is always something happening and today was no different! Before we could even get to the entrance there was a Big Bull Elephant on of the Big 5 which walked close to where we were. I quickly assessed that he was not in Musth and was relaxed after already having a mud bath and we allowed him to watch us before he moved away to a water tank next to the toilet block.

After that excitement we moved into the hide to find a Large herd of Elephant drinking and mud wallowing, We just watched them for half an hour as herd after herd 4 in total came to wallow. What a great Durban Day Safari this was turning out to  be!

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Herd of Elephant at mud wallow 5 July 2014
Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Herd of Elephant at mud wallow 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Herd of Elephant at mud wallow 5 July 2014

A Video of these Elephants can be found on my YouTube Page click here: Durban Safari Tours – Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Elephants Drink and Mud Wallow.

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Elephant chases Warthog from mud wallow 5 July 2014
Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Elephant chases Warthog from mud wallow 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Elephant chases Warthog from mud wallow 5 July 2014

This was a really exciting part of our Durban Day Tour where this young male Elephant chased a Warthog away from the Mud Wallow. Brilliant!

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Group, Elephant mother and calf rush through mud wallow 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Group, Elephant mother and calf rush through mud wallow 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Group, Elephant mother and calf rush through mud wallow 5 July 2014

This had been a great experience and we left the hide no expecting much more excitement. We were wrong as we came out some Bull Elephants were walking past the parking lot and were very relaxed also heading to the water tank by the toilets. I took this change to snap a shot of the Group with the Elephants walking behind them. Please note I would never do this if it was unsafe, having nearly 10 years experience with these great animals you get to understand there nature a lot better.

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Group Photo 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Group Photo 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve Group Photo 5 July 2014

It is the clients that make my Durban Day Safaris what they are and I am truly grateful for the business that they afford me! Thank you to the group who made the Durban Day Tour a special one.

We still had a lot more to see and do! We made our way up to the Centenary center for lunch which turned out to be at nearly 3pm! On route we spotted some more Giraffe and Zebra as well as Wildebeest and the same Rhino as before in the same spot.

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Zebra 5 July 2014
Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Zebra 5 July 2014

Durban Day Safari Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game reserve, Zebra 5 July 2014

What a great Durban Day Safari! We had seem so much and such great quality sighting that all of us were happy. After the great lunch it was just a short drive to the gate were we exited as it was nearly 4pm. We now could enjoy the memories of a great Durban Day Tour to Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve and reminisce about the day.

Everybody was very chatty on the way back and I had a great chat with one of my clients about TB and HIV which was very interesting for me.

Overall a very successful and enjoyable Durban Day Safari.

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Lions Eyes


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